Easy ways to make puppet stage

It’s very easy to set up a puppet show stage. The key idea is to focus on puppets and remove the attention from the puppeteers.

These are some ways I set up the stage:

  • Table turned on the side. Yes, that’s the easiest way to perform any puppet show. We have a coffee table we consistently use for puppet performances. I hide behind the tables with all my puppets ready to tell the stories.
  • Have two chairs and a dowel / broomstick and cover it with a peace of cloth. Easy – peasy!
  • Small box puppet stage. I found a great range of boxes in Ikea. I cut out the window, made a simple curtain and found a stick to put the curtain up. Excellent set up for playgroups, family day care, early childhood centres and preschools.
  • Cover the table with a cloth. Cut a window and present the show from under the table (children love it!).
  • Cover the table with a cloth. Present the show , standing / sitting next to it.
  • Doorway stage – you can buy one or just use an old sheet and cut the window for puppets.
Calico Puppet Theatre
  • Big appliance box or furniture box will make a perfect stage! Just watch this tutorial from IKEA

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